Yes, considering it is that time of year once again, and we are soon to be inundated with hours upon hours of crap TV, so I though, in keeping with the season, I'd give a run down of my all time top 5 Christmas films. Well, sort of...
Home AloneProbably one of the classic Christmas films. One that most people would say. Snotty little kid is left at home when family buggers off on holiday and forget about him. Hello? Social Services? Although in hindsight it isn't one of John Hughes best films, it's still pretty damn good isn't it? Full of laughs for the whole family, with jokes that I get now, but wouldn't have done ten years ago. So good is this film in fact, that I still have a copy of it on video cassette that was recorded off the television back in 1994 or '95. Still works too, I think.
The Great EscapeI know, I know, technically it isn't a Christmas film. Nothing in the plot revolves around Christmas at all, but come on, it's on every year! It has to be a Christmas film. One of the best films about British determination and the ability to 'put one over on the Jerrys' (or something). Well, until they all get captured/shot. Indeed the only people that seem to survive are Steve McQueen and Charles Bronson. But still, it IS a Christmas film. Although despite the rumours, not seen it on telly at Christmas in a very long time...
Bad SantaProbably the only film really obviously centered around Christmas. This comedy tells the story of life-long deadbeat, played by Billie-Bob Thornton, who, every year, gets a job as a Santa in a shopping centre, then on Christmas eve, robs the place blind. It gets better, he comes complete with a midget elf (who is black, to get a few more race jokes) and befriends an annoying fat kid who thinks he really is Santa. All in all though, it does provide a good few laughs, especially from Thornton, who for some reason does the piss-head waster role very well. It might not be the family fun, watch-it-with-your-nan type of film that Home Alone or The Snowman is, but it is still damn good.
Die HardI can practically hear the eyebrows being raised. It is a Christmas film though, whatever you want to say or think. Brucey goes to LA to see his family for Christmas. No denying it, it is set at Christmas time, so technically, like Great Escape, it is a Christmas film. And it is really fucking good too. Plenty of gratuitous action, swearing, and dodgy Germanic accents from Alan Rickman. Although I'm pretty certain he gives up half way through...Anyway, Die Hard is awesome.
GremlinsCute little Christmas present gets wet, then spawns little evil clones, they eat after midnight, all hell ensues. Probably one of the more imaginative concepts for a film, but still, its genius isn't it? From cute little Gizmo, who in all honesty is a bit of a little bitch until the end, to the badass Stripe, who is surely much easier to get rid of than the protagonists make out, the film is great. You really feel yourself get behind that whiney bank teller and his girlfriend. Not only is the film slightly more violent and gory than you would expect from the outset, it is hilarious too. The evil Mogwai are brilliant. The bar scene in particular shines. And come on, you try and tell me you didn't want your own little Mogwai for Christmas after seeing it? It is one of the few films that I look for in the TV guide every year, and that is why, in my view at least, it is the best Christmas movie.
Oh, and Hulk Hogan's cameo appearance in the sequel is bloody brilliant.